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grep -ir "email" *
Results: 9


I've found it useful to send email on the command line. Since Python can send email and I use Gmail as my mail provider, I wrote this script: Some of my other scripts use this one to send csv attachments, informaton, etc. ...

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Paychex paystubs

The company I work for uses Paychex to handle payroll. Paychex provides a website where, among other things, you can download your paystubs. Rather than manually logging in and downloading my current paystub every paycheck, I wrote a script that does it for me: Just pass the scri...

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Flexget configuration

Here's how I've configured my Flexget install: In ~/.flexget/config.yml: presets: global: email: active: true from: to: transmission: host: localhost port: 9091 removewhendone: true ratio: 1.0 movies: do...

more ... - A command line interface to Gitorious

We started using Gitorious at work for our git repositories. Since I couldn't find a way to create projects and repositories on the command line, I decided to write one using mechanize. The script allows for project creation and deletion as well as repository creation and deletion. I may add more fe...

more ... - Comcast internet usage script

Yesterday I wrote a little python script that grabs your current Comcast internet usage and prints it to stdout. It depends on the excellent mechanize module so if you don't have it, install it with mechanize. To run the script, simply execute You will be prompted for your...

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At eShares, we use ADP for payroll. We used to use Namely and before that we used Zenpayroll (now known as Gusto). My old company used Paychex. For years now, I've run a cron job that logs into my current payroll website and downloads my paystubs for me. I no longer have access to my former payroll ...

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pysiri - A Python interface to Siri

Last week, the guys at Applidium posted an article on their blog with the technical details to the Siri HTTPS server (the blog post has since been taken down). Along with the article, they published some proof of concept code written in Ruby. That code can be found here. Anyway, I thought it'd be fu...

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Flexget configuration, revisited

I posted my flexget configuration a couple of years back (here) and thought it was about time I repost my configuration. This new file is compatible with the latest version of flexget 1.0r2995 as of this post. In ~/.flexget/config.yml: presets: global: email: active: true from: exa...

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